The biggest burrito I ever eated
Megan and I highly suggest all Texas residents immediately drop whatever it they're doing, head over to your local Freebird's World Burrito and chow the fuck down on some serious burrito action. It's delicious, veggie friendly and cheap as hell. The fucking monster I'm holding was only six bucks.
It contained:
spinach tortilla
white onions
red onion
roasted peppers and onions
roasted garlic
sliced avocado
jack/cheddar blend
lime juice
It was fucking fantastic and I must insist that you eat one. I ate the whole fucking thing at three in the afternoon and wasn't hungry again until midnight. In addition Freebird's is a Texas owned and operated company, non-franchise, bike-rock as fuck, and community and conservation minded. Fuck yeah. Go to the Greenville and Lover's Lane location and tell them TOFUTTIBREAK sent you.