What the fuck am I doing with my life?
Megan and I want out. I don't know what it is that I'm doing.
I work a job that I'm becoming increasingly displeased with that pays moderately well in order to live in an apartment we only sort of like. I love living in Dallas, but I hate working. It's not the particular job, it's any job. I don't like working and I don't want to do it anymore. What's the solution? As I see it, we don't have a lot of options, the best of which seems to be to quit my job, sell all of our stuff and move to Taos to live with Levi and Tiffany.
"But Mason," you say, "that's fucking nuts." Is it crazier than walking on a giant hamster wheel of work and consumption? Dallas rules, and don't get me wrong, we've got it pretty sweet here, but I don't really know what it is that we're achieving by doing that. It's a real quandary.
I don't really want to live anywhere for an extended period of time. We moved here, it's fun, but I want to go other places and do other things. Having a career and wanting to not really ever do anything I don't want to do just isn't working out. I want to thru-hike the PCT, but I can't do it on my two weeks off every twelve months. We could easily keep going the way we are quite comfortably forever, but neither of us want to. Living in Harrah was fun, but we got bored with it. As we get older, I think pretty much anywhere we live is going to get dull after a while. I just don't like working a regular job, I guess. Like I said, we want out.
Any suggestions? Email me.