Animal Products Bad, Homemade Granola Good
an actual photo of our granola, not some shitty stock photo
So, as previously noted, we've gone vegan without saying we're vegan [like I said, I like honey and have no ethical qualms about it]. We've also dumped all pre-packaged foods, and are moving toward making even more of our food ourselves. In order to achieve this goal, we've tried our hand at making our own granola. It was based on a modified version of this recipe from a blog that Megan reads regularly.
We used:
Rolled Oats
Pumpkin Seeds
Toasted Buckwheats Groats
Rolled Rye
Rolled Wheat
It wasn't perfect, but it was pretty good. (Good enough for me to eat a shitload of it). We need to fuck around with the amount of honey we use, because it wasn't sweet enough. Last night Meg whipped up some vegan queso with a fake cheese sauce (nutritional yeast is oh-so-delicious) and some super spicy "salsa" we got from Dallas Tortilla and Tamale Factory. Oh, it made me go crazy in the pants dad.
Seriously, I don't know why I didn't change my diet a long time ago. It's much cheaper to not eat meaty, dairy or eggs, and it affords me the moral superiority you know I crave.