
"I straight up disrespect the toilet."

Meg and I are big fans of the Trading Spouses/Wife Swap kabbalah. Last night FOX re-ran the GOD WARRIOR follow episode. You can read the summary here. It wasn't as funny as the first one because she's really toned it down a lot. Also, she had gastric bypass, and while she's still gigantic, she'd lost some weight and her make up was a little less scary.

Don't remember Marguerite Perrin? Oh, I think you do...

Anyhoo, the episode contained this super-racist black dude saying my favorite line of the year:

"When I go to the bathroom, I straight up disrespect the toilet."

I laughed out loud. I really think it's an all time classic. The thing I love about Trading Spouses is that it makes everyone look like a nut. No matter how reasonable your lifestyle or value set is, they'll edit it to make you look totally insane. This is further exacerbated by the producers choosing the most extreme, stubborn and unstable people possible to participate. It's my fave, straight up, mother-fucker.

Also, Riker likes to lay on my head while I sleep: