Would Jesus honk at me?
Dallas, 7:00pm. On the way home from the store. A woman in a gold Isuzu Rodeo pulls up behind me as I'm slowing down coming up to a stop sign. It's a one way, one lane residential street lined with parked cars on my right.
Megan is two feet from the stop sign, stopped. I'm twenty feet behind her, and this woman is half a car length behind me. She honks at me as I'm slowing down to stop. I stop and she pulls around me on the left.
Me [yelling as loud as I can to make sure she hears me]: "It's not necessary for you to honk at me ma'am!"
Woman [bleached blonde, bourge-y, between 40 and 45, passenger window rolled down]: "It's not necessary for you to ride so slowly."
Megan [yelling]: "He's a vehicle!"
Me [at the same time as Meg]: "Ma'am, I am a vehicle! Dallas city law gives all vehicles, including bicycles, the right to a full lane!"
She gets flustered, pulls out in into the intersection, and has to slam on her brakes to avoid getting hit by cross bound traffic. She has a "Life: What a Beautiful Choice" bumper sticker and a nativity scene bumper sticker. We laugh and laugh as she is forced to wait for several minutes because no one will let her get over.
It made me so happy. My bike is the same as your car, get used to it, mother-fuckers.