
Spinach in a Smoothie? Now I KNOW that motherfucker is crazy.

And the hits just keep on coming. Today I convinced perfect strangers to let me add spinach to their smoothies, and then... DUM DUM DUM! They actually liked it. If you've never rocked the green smoothie before, you honestly cannot taste the spinach. It helps that we have a totally kick-ass Vita Mix at work, but you can make them at home too.

I also had one of the best tasting drinks of all time today. Almond milk. I've never bought it because it's INSANELY expensive (3-4 times the price of soy or rice milk), but it's mind-blowingly delicious. It's the Hulk Hogan of creamy non-dairy beverages. I opened a vanilla Almond Breeze for a customer to make a latte, and I had a taste of the leftover steamed milk. Wow. Seriously, it's so much thicker than soy or rice, and the flavor is amazing. If you don't dig on the flavour of almonds you'd probably hate it, but I'm all about it now. I'm interested to try and make my own as well. We'll see about that. Ok, time to watch The 4400!