
And you thought my room was messy in junior high...

One of the only papers worth reading in America, the San Francisco Chronicle, has this story that will blow your fucking mind.

At this house in Modesto, CA the above pictured fucked up white trash were keeping a miniature horse in their kitchen. Their son was living in a tent in his bedroom to keep the flies off him. Wow. What horrible people.

From the article:
Joe Curtis Silva, 30, denied having a horse in the house, but the officer saw Silva trying to load the animal into a vehicle and called for more officers to investigate, police said.
HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAAHAHAHHAHAH. Because you're going to put the horse in the back of a van while your wife distracts the cop? That's fucking classic.

Check it out:

Nice, huh? Doesn't seem that dirty to me, really.

I'm a big fan of the electric wok in the bottom left hand corner.
Why do these two people have a wok? Seems odd, no?