
Your son isn't picky, lady... you're just a shitty cook.

I'm so bored with women who claim that their children are picky eaters. You kid is afraid to try new things because you've given him so much trash to eat. We have responsible parents come in all the time who's children love... and I mean LOVE things like beets, kale, edamame and asparagus.

If you hadn't ruined their pallets with deep fried sugar balls and caffeinated white starch, they might be able to taste different foods and enjoy them. If you've been gargling with kerosene every day for five years, chances are you won't be able to tell the difference between onions and shallots. Your kid loves McDonalds for the same reason that Kate Moss loves cocaine, it's addictive and they have unlimited access to it. You can pretend all you want that they're not junkies and you're not their connection, but it's still the case.

Maybe if you try real hard, they can grow up to not like vegetables just like you.