
"It's a manufactured poison!"

According to a number of crackpot customers I've talked to recently, canola oil is the worst thing you can possibly eat. Science and scientists, of course, disagree. Pure "rapeseed oil" (the plant that canola oil is a hybrid of) is high is in erucic acid, which IS bad for you. Canola is a hybridization of that plant LOW in in erucic acid. In the early 70's the U of Manitoba developed "Canadian Oil Low Acid" or CANOLA (aka LEAR [Low Erucic Acid Rapeseed]). This hybridization is a product of CROSS BREEDING, not genetic modification. SOME canola is GMO, but it's very easy to buy non-GMO oil (you shouldn't be buying any GMO products at all if you can help it).

Also, these people seem to think that canola oil is used to manufacture mustard gas.


Ok, mustard seed is high in erucic acid, that's fine. Let's pretend that canola oil is too, [remember that canola is LOW in erucic acid] just for the sake of argument. Mustard gas is made out of mustard in the same way that the moon is made of green cheese. Mustard gas just SMELLS like mustard, it's a chemically manufactured sulfide cytotoxin [Bis(2-chloroethyl) sulfide]. A man actually said to me, "It's a manufactured poison!". What a dope.

All these crazies claim that you should be eating coconut oil. Gross. It's so high in saturated fat that it's solid at room temperatures. Awesome.
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