
Richard Thompson

it was really dark, and i was trying to be sneaky because they're bitches about cameras.
consequently, this picture is fucking horrid.

I went with my parents to see Richard Thompson at the "historic" Lakewood Theater tonight. The show was good, but he played a lot of songs I'd never heard before. I'm really only into the 90's albums, and most of his set was 80's and post 2000. He did play 1952 Vincent Black Lightning solo acoustic, which just destroyed me. His intensity was overwhelming.

If you've never heard it, listen to it:

[feed reader users listen here]

For being 60, the mother-fucker rocked out pretty hard. There was more guitar noodling than was necessary, but he's very, very, very good at it. No one else really plays guitar like that, and it was pretty cool to watch. I would go see him again, but I think I'd probably prefer him by himself, which is the opposite of what I thought I wanted. Things seem to work out like that for me pretty regularly these days.
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