
Your Home Organ is Worthless

I'm on that internet quite a bit. I look at the craiglist-dallas "musical instrument" category every day, so I see pretty much everything that people are trying to sell in one of the largest metroplexes in America. In short, I know what's out there.

People seem to be laboring under the impression that home organs (Conns, Lowerys, Thomases, Yamahas, etc.) are somehow worth more than $1. Memo to everyone: They're Not. You should pay ME to come get your dead relatives keyboard. Unless you have a Hammond B or M series, or a huge professional theater/church organ [please note: must have a separate spin unit] your crummy keyboard is junk. It's to be hauled off to the dump. Everyday I see them posted for $300-$700 dollars and it's simply laughable.

I know that your great-aunt paid $1200 for it new in 1978 [on a payment plan from Sears, no less], but it simply has no value. Please stop posting it. Thank you.
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