
Mary Ex-Mass: The Indie Rock Holiday

Megan is the best. Polyvinyl was having a big sale, so the Megatron hooked me up some most excellent LP record albums for my xmas present.

The List:
Aloha - Some Echoes
Aloha - Here Comes Everyone
Ranier Maria - Long Knives Drawn
Ranier Maria - A Better Version of Me
Ranier Maria - Hell and High Water 7"
AM/FM - Mutilate Us
AM/FM - Getting Into Sinking

Also a totally awesome Aloha 1" pin. We turned out the lights, plugged in the christmas lights, and listened to them. It was awesome.

If you've never heard AM/FM, you should listen. Brian Sokel is the mid-fi/indie rock/paul simon/beach boys and it's great. I love the fucker. Indie rock lives.

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