
April Fuel's Day

Dad, did you know that gas costs $175 a gallon now? Welcome to the world of The Road Warrior. After Peak Oil is reached and our society beings to crumble, Megan and I are going to be fuel pirates, mercenaries and small arms dealers. We're going to get an armored tanker and roam the Western Wastelands in search of smaller bands of survivors to loot. Let me know if you have a tanker I can outfit with Kevlar panels.

LifeAfterTheOilCrash.com will let you know everything you need to know about how We're All Fucked. Sadly, someone has already registered wereallfucked.com, too bad. However, wearesofucked.com is still available... I'm might register it.

Also, in case you hadn't heard, now's the time to commit suicide for the insurance money before your policy carrier goes bankrupt.
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