
Did you know that taxes are our problem?

In case you didn't already know they were the same person, Hillary now agrees with Boris Karloff about the "Gas Tax Holiday". I'm going to let that sink in. Ms. Clinton thinks that the way to solve our looming depression is to cut taxes. Cut taxes. Are you listening to this? She's suggesting that (contrary to the opinions of every economist on earth) that saving us $0.18 a gallon will also save us from the coming economic collapse. You know what, maybe she's right... it makes sense that letting our roads and bridges crumble, making them thereby totally impassible is a fantastic solution to our fuel crisis. Besides when gas is $10 a gallon, no one will able to afford it, so the tax revenues will be down anyway, and it won't make any difference.

Hillary, you make me sick. I hope Maya Angelou threw up in her mouth when she made that video for you.
Ya'll Motherfuckers Said What?:
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