
Not Just for Women Anymore

I didn't eat a Luna Bar for years because the package reads "Nutrition for Women". I was very off put by this, and I'm not sure why. I wish I'd known what I was missing out on. These fuckers are TASTY. I know that I go on and on and on about CLIF products, how much I love them, and how delicious and healthy they are, but I can't over stress the joy I take from them. Chocolate Peppermint Stick owns you.

One of my favorite things about LUNA Bars is their ready availability in a number of national chain retailers. As in, you can buy these fuckers at 7-11. I wonder if I could just eat 8 Luna/CLIF/Larabars a day and survive. I know I could, but I'd probably get burned out on them. But they're so good, and so fucking packed with your daily nutrition!

In other news, Big Brother 10 starts tomorrow. We'll watch. We'll see how CBS's "Back to Basics" approach to this season pans out.
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