Sugar Substitutes
I've been reading up (well, I read all the wikipedia articles, and I reserved a book a the public library) on sugar and sugar substitutes. I've come to the following conclusions:
1. cane sugar is sort of bad for you, and very bad for the everglades.
2. beet sugar is sort of bad for you, but not too bad for the planet. it is, however, expensive.
3. natural sugar alcohols, like erithritol and xylitol aren't bad for you or the planet, but they're very, very expensive and they taste sort of funny.
4. stevia is good for you, not particularly bad for the planet, and only moderately expensive. too bad it tastes like crap.
5. chemical sugar substitues are fucking poison and should be avoided at all costs. the companies that manufacture them are terrible for the planet. also, in study after study diet soda makes you gain weight.
6. agave is only a little bad for you, fucking delicious, sustainable harvested and not all that expensive.
Hence, Agave Nectar is the winner. I knew that already, but further reading confirmed it.
post script - you might want to think about buying a safe shaped like a can of jock itch spray.
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