
tres ninjas golpean con el pie detrás

In the breakroom this afternoon, Telemundo was showing Three Ninjas Kick Back. This is not the "spanish audio" from the DVD release, this is a total strip of the soundtrack. Dialog, Music, Foley. Everything. Action sequences, usually the territory of throbbingly generic "rock" music, are repopulated by zany, public domain calliope rolls and flea-market mariachi brass. The bizarre result suggests low-rent vaudeville troupe more than Jackie Chan slug fest. Kick and punch sound effects replaced by a tape recording of a man slapping a watermelon, only serve to further bend the mind to the psychedelia that is the re-dubbed version of this film.

If I were a person that took drugs, this would beat 200 Motels for a total freak-out any day of the week.
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