
Babylon AD

Oh sweet fucking christ. I know I say this pretty often, but Babylon AD really is one of the shittiest movies I've ever seen. In fact, it's one of the worst films anyone's ever seen, as evidenced by it's rating of 7% on Rotten Tomatoes.

Quick quiz. This picture is:
a) psychotropically confusing
b) nausea inducingly boring
c) edited by a 12 year old
d) all of the above

The plot is (I think), that Vin Diesel is some sort of future criminal who agrees to transport the mother of a new messiah and her asian nun escort across eastern Russia, Canada and into the US. Somehow it's also about his death, rebirth and enlightenment, a religio-facist kabaal and the moral consequences of his killing absolutely everything that moves. I hated this film. I didn't understand a single second of it, and to call the acting wooden would be generous at best. Even the seemingly endless sequences of brutal, senseless violence aren't well executed enough to reedeem this waste of studio capital. I highly recommend not wasting a single second of your life on this derivative piece of filth. Four thumbs down.

even the trailer is terrible
Ya'll Motherfuckers Said What?:
LoL - thanks for the heads-up! Vin Diesel does a nice line in wooden pomposity, have you seen 'The Chronicles of Riddick'?
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