Not that this is breaking news in any way...
I'd be remiss if I chose not comment on the death of the most famous person in the world. Artists should be commemorated for their body of work, not lampooned for their deeply complicated personal lives. Lots of people are fucking assholes or selfish pricks or cruel and manipulative megalomaniacs, and while Jackson was a profoundly odd and damaged person, he never seemed to act out of malice in any way.
As an inhabitant of planet earth born between 1950 and 1999, I can't help but have been influenced by Jackson's music, and I think you'd be hard pressed to find anyone who's ever been within 100 feet of a radio after 1965 who couldn't say the same.
I'm sure that there are tons of forchan loving gamer assholes who will get their "lolz" this week by poking fun at Michael via the internet. I'm not saying that I haven't made my share of jokes at Jackson's expense over the last decade, but I've never been a detractor and have always vociferously defended his work. So fuck off xbox playing high school kids, Michael was 1000% more genius than you could ever hope to be.
Ya'll Motherfuckers Said What?:
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